Close X OfficesACT Engagement as a sub consultant to a Development and Architecture design group to provide urban planning approval and a development submission. Approval sought and gained for a 4 storey office extension and carpark. Building to feature separate...
Close X Local Shopping StripsGlenhuntly Planning advocacy and representation for the owner of a retail premises. Issues included use of second level of local shops for ancillary services and paramedical services. Specifically change of use, parking, internal spacial...
Close X CafesCamberwell Planning application for a licensed cafe premises. Further application to the Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation. Other issues, rear courtyard usage, parking waiver and street table usage. Minor internal design changes to...
Close X Retail & OfficesHawthorn Regeneration of retail space to ground floor of existing office building. Town planning application and representation to local council. Engagement of designer and structural engineer. Consideration and submissions re the...
Close X Retail Hubs Adelaide Local area minor anchor store plus 16 other retail, commercial and paramedical services. Pre planning work on catchment and area demographics followed by a full planning application and submission, plus input into the external car parking...