Rod Cullen Urban Planning

Builders:   Industry Planning Assistance


Support in Dealing with Local Councils

We support builders who are requested by councils to make unexpected changes to well-thought-out designs. We advise that design changes of this nature should be thoroughly reviewed. Rod Cullen Planning provides reassurance to builders to negotiate based on our solid planning experience.

Design & Town Planning Negotiation

From our dealings with local councils, we frequently suggest minor adjustments to plans which can significantly improve the chances of getting a planning permit. The feasibility of the project can be enhanced so returns improved and objections settled.

Property and Land Acquisition: Site Assessment: Feasibility Reports

We produce detailed acquisition and disposal reports for Builders, Developers and private buyers which identify site potential and constraints, past permits, estimates of land value, economic potential and site feasibility.


Planning Permit Applications and Statutory Services

Rod Cullen Planning provides all planning services including Town Planning applications, site analysis; panel hearings; rezoning; neighbourhood character analysis; heritage comments, Rescode reports; subdivisions and site plans.

Expert Evidence: VCAT Representation

The firm is engaged regularly by builders and constructors to provide expert evidence at VCAT. We write and present VCAT submissions and if needed, brief and engage planning lawyers and expert witnesses.

Contact Us

Phone: 0409 962 450

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Contact    Rod Cullen Urban Planning   0409 962 450